Customer Testimonials

"We have done business with Frey Water for 10 years, and can say they have always been a very professional organization to work with. From the leadership group on down the company is dedicated to providing quality products and services to its clients."

- Denny Mahle (CEO & President)
Water Treatment Warehouse, Inc.

"Frey Water System has a professional team that is very responsive to our request for service. We are most satisfied with their courteious and technical help. We highly recommend their service to you and your neighbors."

- Tom & Sylvia Wan

"I have used 3 other water treatment companies before I called Frey Water Systems Inc. and none have given me the professional service over the phone and in person as they have. I would recommend them to anyone."

- Mary Kane

"Frey Water has been reliable and provided consistent excellent service since we have hired them. Any problems that have developed were taken care of in a timely and efficient manner many times going over what was 'just required'."

- Judy Bryant

"My wife and I purchased our Frey Water System over 5 years ago and could not be happier with our choice. We removed a Rain Soft System to make room for the Frey System. The Salesman could not have been more helpful. Frey was there at the installation and have been with us ever since our purchase. The Office is most helpful and very knowledgeable. I have recommended the Frey system to many of my friends and associates and will continue to do so in the future."

- Yeuell G. Watkins

"Frey Water Systems has a very user friendly web site where you can find all the information you need to maintain or troubleshoot problems with your water softening system. If you can't find it there you can get unmatched verbal help from a very knowledgeable office staff by calling the phone number listed on the site."

- Lee

"The water treatment from Frey Water Systems is of maximum quality; the water is crystal clear and pure. My family and I could not be happier with our decision, their service is excellent! We definitely recommend them.."

- Martin & Vivian Otero